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Robinson & Fleming Family

"My neighbor attended the Room Church and kept inviting me to visit. When I felt the

Lord calling me back to church, I went to visit. The word was so prophetic, I went as a visitor

and I never left."

(L) Jared (C) Fiona (R) Deon

Tell us about yourself?

"I was born and raised in Union County, NJ in the small town of VauxHall. I have 3 children. Kayla, not pictured, 26. Deon, 21 and Jared 16."

Most memorable moment?

"It was a New Year Eve service. There were 10 mins left until the New Year. Elder Hudson came out with garbage can tied to him and delivered a powerful message on the Lord being able to handle your mess. So many lives were transformed from that 10 minute message."

How have you grown at RC?

"I have grown both personally and spiritually. Through the practical teachings, at the Room Church, I have come to know Christ in a deeper level, more intimate level than I have ever known Him. My prayer life has changed, my worship became a lifestyle and I am totally dependent on the Lord."

What teaching series moved you?

"We get powerful word each Thursday and Sunday so it’s difficult to narrow it to one. If I had to look at one, it would be the Attitude Series, 'Making The Most In A Bad Season.' Looking at the life of David (1 Samuel 25)."

Why would you recommend RC to someone seeking a home church?

"I would recommend the Room Church because it’s an authentic community, the love of the Room Church can be felt at the door. The teachings are genuine and life applicable and I have been spiritually transformed at the Room Church. Joining the Room Church and rededicating my life back to Christ, were the best decisions I made in my life."

Favorite verse

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

-Galatians 6:9


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